(310) 543-2611


5 stars 5
To say Dr. Barry & his entire elite team run like a Swiss watch would be an insult to Doctor Barry! The MVP unit consists of. 2 Kaylas, 2 Jennifers, when you are confused, run your situation by Samantha( the only Samantha) on the illustrious team! Dr. Barry in addition to being a world class Ophthalmologist has a kind, friendly & professional manner. Dr. Barry is concise, precise and accurate in his diagnosis!

5 stars 5
Excellent Service

5 stars 5
My wife and I always receive excellent care from Dr. Wolstan. He has performed cataract surgeries on both of us and they have worked out very well.

5 stars 5
My wife and I always receive excellent care from Dr. Wolstan. He has performed cataract surgeries on both of us and they have worked out very well.

5 stars 5
Dr Jacob Khoubian has been my wonderful Opthamologist for several years.He is a quiet man, focused onhis patient, detail-oriented and very thorough.Precisely the skills one wantsin a Surgeon.His informative, gentle mannerand skills, won my trust to proceed with the surgery recommended, and my onlyregret, as he predicted, thatI did not accept sooner.In addition to all the positivesDr Khoubian possesses, thestaff is also friendly and veryhelpful; an equally importantfactor.As a Medicare patient, I couldnot be more pleased with having this accomplishedSurgeon as my Opthamologist.Sincerely,Elizabeth M.

TELO Medical Center 1st Floor, Ste 100
23600 Telo Ave  Torrance CA 90505

Phone: (310) 543-2611
Fax: (310) 543-2056

Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM-5:00PM